Feldmochinger Straße 75-79
80993 München
You received an invitation to The Big Day Out because Helen, Rebecca and Phillip would love to have you attend. And "you" means "you and your family". And that means whatever "your family" means for you. If you are a singular "you" - then feel free to bring a friend or two. Or maybe your son or daughter would like to bring a friend along. That's also OK. Everyone is sure to have a great time. Just enter the details of how many "you" are when you RSVP.
Ihr habt eine Einladung für The Big Day Out bekommen, da Helen, Rebecca und Phillip sehr glücklich sein würden, wenn ihr dabei sein könntet. Und "ihr" bedeutet "du und deine Familie". Du möchtest nicht allein dabei sein, dann bring einen Freund oder Freundin mit. Dein Kind will einen Freund oder Freundin mitbringen? Kein Problem. Beim antworten, musst Du nur die richtige Personen Anzahl eingeben.
Yes, please RSVP if you can come to The Big Day Out. The caterer needs to have the final numbers for both the Ice Cream Extravaganza and the Bonzer Barbie ten days before The Big Day Out so that's why we had to set a deadline for the 15th of July. You can also cancel your RSVP if something comes up and you can't come to The Big Day Out.
Ja, um Antwort wird gebeten! Der Partyservice braucht die endgültige Gästezahl zehn Tage vor The Big Day Out. Deswegen ist der Anmeldeschluss der 15 July. Du kannst auch deine Zusage abmelden bzw. ändern, falls etwas dazwischen kommt.
I'm sorry that you need to give so much information - it's a bit like signing up for something terrible. But that's just because of the way The RSVP App is configured.
But the caterers need to know how many people are coming - including how many kids. This is because we need to know how much ice cream we need versus how much coffee. Or how many sausages versus how many steaks.
So thanks for your understanding.
Sorry, dass ihr so viele persönliche Details beim Anmeldung preisgeben müsstet. Aber der Partyservice muss wissen, wie viele Erwachsene und wie viele Kinder dabei sein werden und The RSVP App ist leider nur so konfiguriert.
Danke für deine Verständnis.
The Big Day Out is a little bit like a Swiss-army-knife party, it's meant to have something for everyone. Most of all it's meant to be relaxed and lots of fun and to show everyone how Australians like to party.
Of course the main reason for the Big Day Out is to give Phillip, Helen and Rebecca the chance to say "thanks" to all the wonderful people we have gotten to know here in Munich and with tears in their eyes and a smile on their faces say See you later alligator before they head off into the Australian sunset.
And so then Phillip asked the Elternbeirat for Rebecca's class and Helen's class if it would be a good idea to also make The Big Day Out a summer party for 1c and 5a. And they agreed. So that's how this Swiss-army-knife of a party came to be.
The Big Day Out ist ein bisschen wie ein schweizer Taschenmesser - es sollte etwas für jeden anbieten. Nach Absprache mit den Elternbeiräte von 1c und 5a haben wir beschlossen, dass The Big Day Out auch als Sommerfest für beide Klassen fungieren sollte.
Ohne die Unterstützung von Lacrima, die Bergfüchse und Lebensmut wäre es deutliche schwierige gewesen, mit der schlimmen Krankheit und der noch schlimmeren Verlust von Helen und Rebeccas Mama (und Phillips Ehefrau) klar zu kommen.
Dieses Fest ist auch unserer Dankeschön an Euch.
Just bring yourselves - everything else is provided for.
But the kids might want to bring a football or a badminton set - there's a nice big grassy area for them to play. Does anyone have a kids' cricket set? Maybe we can teach all these German kids something about the sport of gentlemen. You might also want to bring a picnic blanket if you want to sit on the nice big grassy area to watch the kids having fun.
Nein, ihr musst nichts mitbringen. Essen, Getränke, Music, Unterhaltung: um alles wird gedacht.
Ihr musst nur gute Laune mitbringen und vielleicht ein Fußball für die Kinder - es gibt eine große Wiese wo die Kinder sich austoben könnten.
The Big Day Out is a relaxed and fun family event so dress down rather than dress up. For that real Aussie feeling you can't beat shorts, t-shirt and flip flops (Aust. Engl. thongs). And don't forget the sunhat, sunglasses (sunnies) and suncream. After all, Aussie kids are always sun smart.
The Big Day Out ist ein entspannte Familienevent. Je informeller, desto besser.
Yes, there is parking available on site for approximately 120 cars. But remember: please don't drink and drive - Australia has some of the toughest drink-driving penalties in the world.
Ein Parkplatz für ca. 120 Autos gibt es beim Botanikum.
The Big Day Out will be a fantastic family festival
We'll start the day at 2 o'clock with ice cream, and spiders and coffee and cake and Tim Tams - a bit of old-fashioned Aussie culture for everyone to taste and enjoy. A couple of hours later, a salad bar will be set up and then the BBQ will start. There'll be lamb, steak, chicken, fish, and vegetarian choices avaiable. And sausages for the kids. A selection of drinks will also be available: apéritif, beer, wine, mineral water, juices. And we'll finish off the feast with a dessert bar.
To keep the kids entertained there's a large grassed area just a few metres away from the party area. The kids can bring their own games to play, but I will also organise activities to keep them busy. There will also be a creative corner set up in the Grashaus where you might want to paint or make something with your kids.
We've got the Botanikum to ourselves for the entire day and in the Palmenhous there'll be a lounge area set up to kick back and relax.
There'll be at least one live music performance to entertain you all. And after we've cleared away the food, we can show the kids how to rock and roll to the wonderful sounds of Aussie music: like this or maybe like this or this or even this.
Ab 14:00 Uhr - Eis, Kuchen, Kaffee
Ab 16:00 Uhr - Salatbuffet und dann Grillen mit verscheiden Fleischsorten (Lamm, Rind, Huhn), Fisch, und vegetarisches Gerichte. Würstchen für die Kinder.
Ab 19:00 Uhr - Dessertbuffet
Getränke: Apertif, Bier, Wein, Mineralwasser, Säfte
Unterhaltungsprogramme für die Kinder auf der Wiese und Kreativecke zum basteln und malern im Grashaus.
Loungebereich im Palmenhaus.
Music und Tanzen bis spät in der Nacht.
Almost everyone who Phillip told about the Big Day Out have said he's crazy. Even the caterer thought he was crazy when he said he wanted to invite 100 families to a private party on a Sunday. But after almost 18 years here in Germany, Phillip wants to celebrate the end of this part of their lives with as many people as possible. And he wants Helen and Rebecca to have a party that they'll remember for the rest of their lives. And those of you who know about our lives here will know just how difficult the last seven years have been for us. So it's time to party and dance and shed a tear and thank everyone who has played a part in our lives here in Munich.
There will be a box at the entrance for you to make a small donation to the cost of the party - but only if you want to.
And just so you know, older Australians used to say he's got a few roos loose in the top paddock when they thought someone was crazy.
The Big Day Out ist unsere Dankeschön an alle Menschen, die wir hier in München kennen. Falls ihr eine kleine Beitrag zur Kosten des Festes spenden möchtet, wird es die Möglichkeit bei The Big Day Out geben.
Dear Phorms Families and teachers: we understand that you may not be able to - or even want to - stay for the whole afternoon and into the evening. And you shouldn't feel as if you have to stay any longer than you want to. So, for this reason, it would be really nice if we could all be there for the ice cream and coffee and cake. But please let us know in advance if you don't plan to stay for the BBQ - just so the caterers can get the numbers right.
Liebe Phorms Familien und Lehrern/Lehrinnen: wir haben Verständnis dafür, falls ihr nicht für den gesamten Dauer des Festes dabei sein könntet bzw. wollt. Und ihr solltet nicht das Gefühl haben, dass ihr bleiben müsst. Deswegen wäre es schön, wenn wir alle gleich am Anfang für Eis, Kaffee und Kuchen dabei sein könnten.
Bitte sagt aber schon im Voraus, ob ihr fürs Essen dabei sein würdet - da der Partyservice wissen möchte, wie viele Gäste fürs Essen bleiben werden.
Yes, of course. But please let us know in advance if you don't plan to stay for the BBQ - just so the caterers can get the numbers right.
Ja. natürlich. Bitte sagt aber schon im Voraus, ob ihr fürs Essen dabei sein würdet - der Partyservice möchte wissen, wie viel Gäste fürs Essen bleiben werden.